About us
Ritmo Factory is a modern drum show playing rhythms from all over the world with our own unique interpretation. Primarily influenced by Brazil, South America and samba, Ritmo Factory is a stylish show performed by professional drummers full of energy and spirit.
It was founded by percussionist Jakub Škrha. Jakub gained excellent first-hand knowledge and experience of drumming and rhythms whilst living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was the sole Czech citizen performing in the Carnival there, the largest and most famous in the world, where he played in a drum orchestra with famous samba schools.
We have many types of performances and you just have to choose the most suitable variant for your event. Ritmo Factory collaborates with many professional and famous musicians and dancers from Czech republic and South America. You can find more about our possibilities in the section Our show.
Ritmo Factory has participated in many events: international festivals, city celebrations, company parties, sporting events, drumming workshops and much more. You can learn more in the section Experience.

Drum Show
Samba Carnival Band
Drum Light Show
Workshop and Team Building
Our show
Ritmo Factory can make any event dance and vibrate. In addition to concerts, festivals and Brazilian or Latino parties we provide rhythms for sporting events, city festivities, opening ceremonies, marches, kids days, private or company parties… simply anywhere and everywhere you can imagine. We can adapt each show to suit your agenda. Whether you need an explosive display to get your event off to a sharp start, shorter sets as dividing lines between other programmes or a feature presentation performance, we can do everything.

Drum Show
Feel the immediate power and energy of exotic rhythms. During our presentation we will show you what drums are capable of. In most cases we don’t need any sound system – which means less preparatory work and stress for you.

Samba Carnival Band
Enjoy Latin American music and the Carnival spirit with our Brazilian singer and frontman, beautiful dancers and professional musicians. You will feel the rhythm and passion of South America. But its not just the samba that’s waiting for you, you will enjoy many many more rhythms and melodies from that magical continent.

Drum Light Show
Experience something really special. Beat sensitive strips of light on our drums synchronise with special choreography, costumes and other effects. We are the only one who perform this type of show around Czech Republic. We will introduce you to a modern drum show of another dimension.

Workshops and Team Building
Give it a try with us! We have all the instruments, rhythm and energy necessary – all you need to bring is the will to learn something new. Rhythm is the cornerstone of music. Everybody tunes in to the same wavelength during our workshops. The Drumming workshop is a great tool for team building and strengthening. We will teach you samba and other rhythms and in the end, we will create a big drum band with the sound of the Rio de Janeiro carnival together…

Our show history
Ritmo Factory has built up vast experience over the years from being involved as a partner in many different events. We have been headliners for international festivals and produced company events for hundreds of clients, making people dance wherever we go. We have organised many drumming workshop team-building tutorial sessions and helped motivate thousands of athletes during sporting events. Ritmo Factory is a well-established group!

"Jen vyjímečně Brazilci dovolí někomu ze zahraničí dostat se na druhou strany barikády - mezi účinkující. Právě to se podařilo Brňanovi Jakubu Škrhovi. Zážitek jej ovlivnil natolik, že po návratu založil bubenickou kapelu Ritmo Factory a školu samby, ..."
Celý článek: Na karnevalu v Riu se mísí zodpovědnost s párty

"Na karnevalu v Riu de Janeiru obdivují mnozí pestrost alegorických vozů, nápaditost kostýmů a krásu tanečnic a tanečníků. Trochu v pozadí je ale ta součást karnevalových týmů, bez které by to určitě nešlo – bicí orchestr zvaný batería. V jedné z nejlepších škol samby bubnoval přímo na sambodromu i Čech Jakub Škrha."
Celý článek: Český gringo si zabubnoval v bateríi přímo na sambodromu v Riu

"Není ale od věci nechat se z klidu vytrhnout, tedy pokud to vytržení stojí opravdu za to. A věřte, že vystoupení brněnské skupiny Ritmo Factory bude vytržením příjemným. Ritmo Factory je moderní bubenická show, která hraje rytmy celého světa ve svém originálním podání."

"Když jsem se znovu po několika letech vydal do Ria de Janeira, nechtěl jsem tentokrát být jen turistou. Chtěl jsem si vyzkoušet něco, co se povedlo jen málo cizincům přede mnou, a splnit si tak svůj velký sen – zabubnovat si na karnevalu v Riu, na největším svátku samby na světě."
Celý článek: Bubeník na cestách aneb Jak jsem se „protloukl” až na karneval v Riu de Janeiru


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